
REXtac Rextac® RT 2215 Amorphous Polyalphaolefin (APAO)




Adhesive and Sealant Grade.

Description: Ethylene copolymer and FDA compliant

Features: Good heat resistance and flexibility, short open time, and good wetting

Applications: Component of hot melt adhesives, sealants and specialty products

Other Properties:
Ring and Ball Softening Point (ASTM E 28): 143°C.
Needle Penetration (ASTM D 1321): 20 mm.
Shear Adhesion Failure Temperature (SAFT), Kraft/Kraft (Huntsman Method): 112°C.
Open Time, Kraft/Kraft (Huntsman Method): 10 sec.
Melt Density (190°C; Huntsman Method): 0.74 g/cc.
Flashpoint, COC (ASTM D 93): >235°C.

Information provided by Huntsman Corporation.

物理性能额定值 (公制)额定值 (英制)测试方法
密度 g/cc lb/in³ ASTM D 792
粘度 cP
@Temperature 190 °C
@Temperature 374 °F
melt viscosity; ASTM D 3236
机械性能额定值 (公制)额定值 (英制)测试方法
极限抗拉强度 MPa psi ASTM D 638
热性能额定值 (公制)额定值 (英制)测试方法
玻璃化转变温度,Tg °C °F ASTM D3417
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