
Kolon Kocetal® TC704 Reinforced Grade Acetal Copolymer (Unverified Data**)

Acetal (POM)



Thermal properties: Kocetal has excellent heat stability; heat degradation is little under long term and high temperature application, compared to other POM. Maximum applicable temperature of products of Kocetal are short term: 140-150C and long term: 100-120C.

Mechanical Properties: Kocetal is an engineering plastic that has excellent strength, stiffness and wear endurance. Also, it offers an excellent balance of several properties. For example, mechanical properties are stable in the practical temperature zone (-50C to 80C), compared to Nylon and PBT resins. Although it has slightly lower initial strength, compared to homopolymer, the long term properties of "elongation at break and impact strength" are superior.

Electrical Properties: Kocetal has excellent electrical properties. Its electrical properties, volume resistivity, dielectric constant, dissipation factor and dielectric strength change little with temperature. It also has a feature of good anti-pollution properties on electrical contact. Kocetal has such a permanent anti-static grade that can be applied to the specifics.

Chemical Properties: Kocetal has excellent chemical resistance to organic chemicals, oils, fats and detergents. It is also strongly resistant to inorganic chemicals except strong acids.

Information provided by US distributor, API-Kolon.

物理性能额定值 (公制)额定值 (英制)测试方法
密度 g/cc lb/in³ ASTM D790
吸水率 ASTM D570
线性成型收缩率 cm/cm in/in ASTM D955
熔体流动速率 g/10 min g/10 min ASTM D1238
机械性能额定值 (公制)额定值 (英制)测试方法
洛氏硬度(M 级) ASTM D785
极限抗拉强度 MPa psi ASTM D638
伸长率 (断裂) ASTM D638
弯曲强度 MPa psi ASTM D790
弯曲模量 GPa ksi ASTM D790
悬壁梁缺口冲击强度 J/cm ft-lb/in ASTM D256
电气性能额定值 (公制)额定值 (英制)测试方法
体积电阻率 ohm-cm ohm-cm ASTM D257
表面电阻 ohm ohm ASTM D257
介电强度 kV/mm kV/in ASTM D149
热性能额定值 (公制)额定值 (英制)测试方法
线性热膨胀系数 µm/m-°C
@Temperature 20.0 °C
@Temperature 68.0 °F
熔融温度 °C °F ASTM D1525
最高工作温度, Air °C °F Long Term
°C °F Short Term
载荷下热变形温度(0.46 MPa) °C °F ASTM D648
载荷下热变形温度(1.8 MPa) °C °F ASTM D648
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