
Plaskon NXG-1HS


Cookson Electronics - Semiconductor Products


This material is an epoxy molding compound for high temperature, lead-free reflow in heat spreader applications. It is designed to withstand more demanding requirements in moisture performance, occasioned by the higher IR reflow temperatures required for processing lead-free packages. It is a highly filled, hybrid resin developed to pass JEDEC Level 2A at 260°C IR reflow temperature. It is a "green" compound with no halogens and a lower Tg than multifunctional materials.
  • 半导电
  • 低(至无)铅含量
  • 低吸湿性
  • 快速固化
  • 良好的成型性能
  • 耐热性,高
  • 无卤
  • 液体
  • 树脂传递成型
比重 g/cm³ASTM D792
弯曲模量 ASTM D790
    22°C MPaASTM D790
    260°C MPaASTM D790
弯曲强度 ASTM D790
    22°C MPaASTM D790
    260°C MPaASTM D790
玻璃转化温度 °CASTM E1356
线形热膨胀系数 - 流动 cm/cm/°CASTM D696
导热系数 W/m/KASTM C177
UL 阻燃等级 (3.18 mm)UL 94
Recommended Storage Temperature: <5°CLife @ 5°C, defined as not more than 40% loss of spiral flow based on original values.: 6 monthsLife @ 22°C, defined as not more than 40% loss of spiral flow based on original values.: 2 daysLife @ 35°C, defined as not more than 40% loss of spiral flow based on original values.: 0.5 daysSpiral Flow, 175°C, 1000 psi: 132 cmShimadzu Viscosity, 175°C, 1000 psi: 55 poiseRam Follower Gel Time, 175°C, 1000 psi: 18 secAsh Content: 88.6 %Hydrolyzable Halides: <1 ppmMoisture Absorption, 85°C/85%RH, 168 hrs: 0.28%Cull Hot Hardness, Shore D: 80All test specimens are transfer molded and post cured for 4 hours at 175°C Linear Thermal Expansion, Alpha 1: 8.5 cm^-6/cm/°C Linear Thermal Expansion, Alpha 2: 33 cm^-6/cm/°C
Resin Transfer Molding: Molding Temperature: 165 to 185°C Molding Pressure: 1000 psi In Mold Cure Time: 50 to 100 sec Post Mold Cure Time, 175°C: 0 to 2 hr
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